Essays on Infinite Lifespans
Russell Blackford
By way of explanation, consider the following counterexam-
ple to P1: a close friend who loves me ceases to do so (for
whatever reason). I might never be adversely affected by this,
in the sense of suffering unpleasant sensations, e.g., my friend
might maintain a pretense of love, and I might, as events turn
out, never even become aware of the change in her feelings.
Yet, the loss of a friends love is usually considered to be a
misfortune. [3; pg. 46]
An Epicurean could respond to such counterexamples by
making suitable modifications to both premises of The Basic
Epicurean Argument. Thus, the Epicurean might point out
that, if a friend has ceased to love me, she might thereafter
have some propensity to act in ways that I will find unpleas-
ant. The Epicurean could modify P1 by including among
the classes of misfortunes those events that, at the time they
happen, make us more vulnerable to unpleasant sensations.
She could then plausibly modify P2 to state that death is not
such an event after all, I will have no unpleasant sensations,
or sensations of any other kind, once I am dead. Since both
premises have been modified appropriately, the argument
remains valid.
Not all possible counterexamples can be accommodated in
this way. For example, will it not be a misfortune for me if
my reputation is defamed in some way after I die (possibly as
a consequence of my death, since I will no longer be able to
defend myself). An Epicurean could respond to this kind of
example with a second strategy. She might suggest that the
new example is not a misfortune. Rather, someone who wor-
ries about such things is in the grip of a kind of pride that is
irrational because it is not conducive to living the happiest
kind of life.
This brings us to the nub of the matter. A full Epicurean
argument against the rationality of fearing death would
have to include a specific account of the good life.